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Promise to Money Back Guarantee. If you have any questions, leave a message pls.
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Tomeet LLC
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Frequently asked question
#01. Why choose BackersWant?
#1 BackersWant Has Up to 300K+ Super Backer.
— This can help you cover more backers who like crowdfunding projects to gain greater exposure and impressions.
#2 High Conversion Rate
— All of our subscribers are returning backers with promising conversion rates. Usually the ROI is 3-10x.
#3 With a Trustworthy Refund.
— We can guarantee if your project doesn’t get new pledges for the amount you paid, we’ll refund the difference.
#4 Simple Process.
— We bring the best backers, direct to your project.
#5 Your Dream, Also Us.
— With the mission to make the world a better place by helping innovations to come to life, BackersWant welcomes creators of all projects to apply as collaborators.
#02. How can I submit my project?
Of course! Please submit your project via, we will reply to you within 1-2 business day(s).
#03. What type of projects can be submitted?
We accept active Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects as well as fully developed projects in pre-launch.
#04. How long does it take to review a project?
Approved projects are listed on our homepage and featured in our newsletter blast sent to our exclusive community of super-backers.
#05. How do you track results?
You can track statistics about your campaign on your Kickstarter dashboard (Number of sales, Sales amount, Etc).
#06. What is your refund policy?
The service did not achieve a return of at least 1:1.
For example, you pay $899 for an Advance package and only get $100 on track. We will provide a refund of the $799 difference.